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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Old Threads

So when's the last time you cleaned out your closet? Was it scary at all? How many T-shirts, jeans and other special items have you held onto over the months or years because they were favourites, despite not having fit in eons? I'm currently taking a break from sorting through clothes to write this, and it made me think of another motivation tip. That being, go through your old clothes, and find a few favourite pieces that you'd be thrilled to wear again! Rather than hide it from view, hang it up on hangers, and then on your wall, or somewhere where it'll be in constant view. Put a sticker in plain view on the T-shirt, and write down a reasonable date that you expect to be able to fit back into this outfit. Don't forget to be kind to youreself.. make it an "easy goal", as in 1 or 2 sizes smaller, not 5+. Reach your first goal, and then set the next. Put up an easy goal, and perhaps a longer term goal, such as a bikini, at the same time. Make it extra fun by including some fun underwear.

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