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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kale chips: Definilty don't knock it until you've tried em!

Trying something new: Kale chips. I can definitely get behind these! I saw someone mention them somewhere online, and took note. They are supposed to be chip replacers.. something that would be most welcomed in my home! I soon saw them at The Nut House, my local bulk food store, for $7.99 a bag. Ouch!! That's a little steep since you can buch a HUGE bunch of Kale for anywhere form $1 - $2.50. So.. To the grocery store I went!

To make the Kale Chips, I fisrt cut the leaves off the stems of half a bunch of Kale, rubbed the leaves in sesame oil, both sides, (1.5T) then sprinkled with salt and sesamee seeds, both sides. Both recipes I read said to put in the oven at 350 for 11-15 minutes, but I think 8 is more accurate for my stove, as a good portion was burnt! One source recommend using wax paper, but I use as few one-time-use products as I can, so I decided to nix it. So.. in the oven they went, with the timer set for 11 minutes. They are done when the tips just start to turn brown. Mine were in too long, and were sporting black and brown tips when they came out. Still, those portions very easily crumbled off, and the rest was quite edible.

Results: I wouldn't coat them with oil as I did last time, I think next time I'll use a spray, as they were way too oily for my stomach. I'm looking forwards to playing with different flavourings, especially Dill Pickle, which I can't seem to get enough of lately. This I think is a GREAT alternative, or.. additive... to your snack table for the health conscious at your next get together. I very large bowl's worth can be made at once, though it'll dissapear quite quickly I bet. They are very light, and cripsy. I think "Crispy Air" would not be too far off the mark as a description, and yet they still are very satisfying, and somehow akin to Pringles.. you can't eat just one... or one bowl full...

I am looking forward to playing with different small light seeds, ground nuts, and other flavourings. Oh, and with the baking, Kale looses all of it's bitterness. There's little taste aside from what you sprinkle them with, and the salt comes through very strongly, a little goes a very long way.

I honestly wasn't sure I'd like em.. but I was curious enough to go for it. I'm SO glad I did.. I'm sure the popcorn will be happy for a break, or companion.

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