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Friday, October 7, 2011

There is hope for tuna afterall!

So.. 4pm rolled around. And my belly said.. "Hey!!! Feed me. Now!"
And my brain said, "Okay.. we'll feed the belly.. but remember the elephant... and your commitment.. Jamaica is closer with every passing minute!! Eat some protein, and something healthy"
Any some other voice said... "Oh crap. I can't be bothered to make food.. I don't want to waste time making food.. can't I just have protein-less cereal or super fatty grilled cheese?" Le sigh. All my quick go to's are too fatening or not fullfulling. Yeesh.

Looking through my cupboard.. I think.. I should have some tuna. First stop: the interweb. Or the wondrous O'verse as I like to call it. Query: How to make tuna NOT fishly unpalatible.
I can't say it helped much. Back to the kitchen, to stare into to fridge. I was leaning towards some mockery of a tuna melt. And then the idea began to form..

I took my trusty box of ready-veggies from the fridge. This is a lidded container I keep in the fridge of my fresh veggie stock, easy to pull all items out at once, use what you need, and then easy to put away. It also makes it easier to keep tabs on what needs to be used up, rather than opening the fridge produce drawer, and inspecting 12 different items at once.

So..the answer ended up being a type of tuna stir fry.
How it was done:
(all measurements are eyeballed approximates)
Salt and Pepper
Garlic and R.Pepper shaker
1/4 c stick-sliced zucchini
1/10th of a red pepper; sliced
1 TBSP Canola Oil
1C and as needed water
1/4 cup of broccolie floretts
2 chopped baby carrots
1/4 c chopped cauliflower florretts
1/2 a "juicebox" of coconut soy milk drink
1/2 tbls of green curry paste (pre mix with water)
3 tbls half and half cream (or milk)
1/2 tbls of chopped shallot onion
1/2 small red potato, sliced paper thin
1/2 can tuna (from water)
1 triangle of light laughing cow cheese

As items were ready/chopped they went into the wok. Prepping and cooking took about 15 minutes tops, but I wasn't paying attention. The ingredients were all basically chosen as they were things in my fridge needing be be used up. This didnt' take much time because all veggies are right there in the box. I take one out, chop off what is needed, then swap it for the next one. I'm amazed at how much time this saves me, and why I never though of it before.

Anyhow. The results were actually quite yummy, though a tad spicy for my taste.
It was certainly a mind trick to think I was eating something yummy, slightly creamy, and that this was really all healthy ingredients. To make it even healthier next time, I'd ommit the small amount of Canola oil, trade the half and half for skim milk, and omit the piece of cheese (that really didnt' do anything for the meal) Oh and best of all?? I barely even noticed the taste of tuna!!! I'll be making this again for sure! Bonus: Clean up was nice and quick! All leftover veggies went back in their box, and all went in the fridge! No re wrapping and placing 8 individual ingredients in and out of the fridge.

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