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Friday, October 21, 2011

I was away..

I was away for 6 days. I knew I'd have little choice over the foods I'd have to eat, as I was staying with guests, and didn't have much control over where or when I'd eat as I was with a group, so I made a decision not to worry about it. I was curious to see what the results were, and I was expecting to gain back everything I'd lost. I was lucky however, I gained back a little bit, but less than I thought. I was also curious to see my own mood about this decision, and, though I enjoyed my food-vacation, I do find myself wishing I'd tried to stick to more of my "diet". I would have had a great deal of pride in myself had I done so. But at least I am back home, and have started back on track today. I have yet again proven to myself that the best defense is a counter free of clutter, and some idea of exactly what is to be eaten for which meals. Staring at your kitchen, with the Bellymontser or Muchie-Kin screaming at you is not the time to be deciding what to eat.

Thank Gawd for Laughing cow cheese and Ryvetta. And porridge. BTW.. Laughing Cow comes in French Onion flavour in the States. I havn't been able to try it yet... but I'm now on the hunt! It won't help me with my weight goals.. but Donna H. clued me in on how to make mashed potatoes and pancakes, two items I don't normally care for, delicious!

Anyhow. I am off to the library, and then the Korean grocery store in search of Miracle Noodle goodness. And some steps towards my "daily" 10,000 count.

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