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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Off and On

So my cravings got the best of me for a little while. I've discovered that bike pirates is bad for me.. there's too much yummy stuff there.. even if it is all vegan and mostly vegetable.. the downside is that there is usually pizza on games nights... I'll have to come up with a work around for that. And of course... this new into things... I know I have to be very careful in not setting myself up to fail.. so I know when I can restrict myself and when I can't. IE, at this point, when I go home.. pretty much all bets are off. My mom's place is FULL of evil food, and not only that, it was thanksgiving. On the up side... I've never (in memory) eaten so little at a family celebration, and I refrained from seconds. I was still stuffed.. but very nicely so. Dessert completely killed all staved off calories.. and while obviously this "plan" won't work in the future.. I'm proud with my baby step.. of not over filling my plate the first time, and not going for seconds. So I'm back where I started almost.. but at least the scale blessed me with under 200 on the scale this am, which is very encouraging. So veggies and being really good.. will hopefully set things up again.

I met M last night at her weight watchers meeting. The people were nice, and I did like the atmosphere, the sharing, the support group ect... but until I'm working again, I can't even think of joining. I would like to try it for three months and see how I do on the plan. I picked up the new pedeomter, which is exciting. It's always easier for me to stick with something when I have a new toy to play with.. cause.. then I have to force myself to use it. Unfortunately, yesterday was the first.. and impressively only day so far, where I didn't take the fiber and paraway from my cleanse.. which I"m not too impressed about.. but I can go take it once I'm finished writing this. I did take it the rest of the weekend while at my moms though.. another good thing.. as it's too easy for me to fall off the bandwagon for a week or more with situational changes like being away for a weekend.

Along with the pedometer, I also picked up the 3 month tracking journal, which is invaluable for really being aware of how much you are eating, and for me, keeping on tabs with something. It came with two food count reference books, which will make things easier.

I discovered a new cookbook this weekend.. I think M had shown me the Skinny taste website.. but I'm not sure if I'd seen the Hungry Girl site before.. I think I was confusing the two. When I was home this weekend, I saw my brother's girlfriends copy of a HG recipe book, and yesterday I checked out her site. That, along with a WW 5 ingredients book I will likely eventually pick up (so long as every other recipe isn't full of raw peppers and tomatoes... ) will also be really helpful. They say that once you start looking for or working towards something, or that once you find a path you are meant to be on... things to aid you seem to fall out of the sky and into your lap. This really seems to be true in this case... all these little things are popping up.. lighting the way forwards, helping to make the seemingly insurmountable not just possible, but almost easy. For me, these include finding a delicious protein supplement that is fairly affordable and does double duty with chocolate cravings, discovering Shirataki, turkey sausages and other healhty but yummy alternatives, getting a new pedometer, finding the FIT DAY online support forum, knowing enough to log my daily weight on a calender, having super affordable produce store down the block, having other people IRL to look up too who've lost a significant amount of weight, finding good recipe sources, having and end goal in with a tropical trip to act as encouragement .. and a number of other tips and tricks I've learning about that will be the subject of upcoming entries.

Well... Off to battle the Elephant and the Sludge!

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