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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kylie's Kwicky Keto Kitchen #1 Cabbage Hamburger "chilie"

Allo allo.
So. Diving slowly back in. The last two days I've mainly stayed in the "keto safe" food area, however I havn't been couting, and honestly the first two days I cheated as I still had desirable lying around. But.. at the very least, last night I flushed the last of 3 peppermint chocolate bark squared down the toilet, this from the person who despises letting decent food be tossed.

So: KKKK recipe update:

Disclaimer, I don't really measure, I just pour. So. Do what you think will be good.

Into the pot goes:
@ Medium heat:
- 1 medium freezer baggie of homemade chicken soup stock ( I make about 3/4 full in freezer baggies, then lie flat. Makes it quick to thaw/remove later. I removed from freezer, ran under hot water a few seconds until I could break it up with my hands, then threw in the pot to melt.)
-various herbs and spices as you see fit (salt/pepper, dried red pepper bits, dried ground sauteed cremini mushrooms, onion powder, garlic powder, and defrosted, pulled into bits hamburger defrosted raw ground hamburger pattie.
-Once there's no read meat left, reduce head.

- add .5 - 1 full bag of  bagged coleslaw/cabbage salad mix ( I used 3/4)
-shredded geriatric cheese. Okay. 2 year old Balderson in this case. But only once the meat is cooked, on lower heat. If the cheese gets too hot, it'll clump. But hey, if that's your thing. Amount to preference, I would say mine had about 1/4 cup.
A bit  more water if you like.

Let it simmer as you please. I try to stop the heat when veggies are still medium firm, so they don't mush on re-heat. You didn't think I was making just one meal did you?!

Voila! I think this is something akin to a chunky chili, sans carbo-beans.

Time: Uhm.. I should have paid more attention. Short enough that I wasn't annoyed at being in my kitchen. 12 minutes or so for assemblage, and then let simmer for 10 odd minutes and turn heat off. I shredded the cheese while the bits of ground hamburger were cooking.

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