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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Keto Foods: Bacon Walnut Brussel Sprouts

Figuring out what I can stand to take the time to cook, and then to eat... is a massive part of my challenge. I'm the size I am for a reason: Cereal, grilled cheese or KD for dinner? One Pot? Simple? Yes please!

I'm very rearely allowed to buy cereal any more. Because it WILL be gone in 2 days. Maybe.

So: Most recent:

Heat pan, but bacon fat from fridge into pan. As needed.
Get brussel sprouts. Rince, cut off the ends, and chop in half. Add to pan.
Salt / Pepper
chopped garlic
Once sprouts are nicely caramelized on one side, flip, and add handful of walnut pieces
Cook until slightly soft. Never mush your vegetables! Should be tender, not squishy!
If preparing for leftovers, remove a portion now, so wont much on reheat.

Optional add ons:
- Parmesan cheese
-blue cheese
-whatever the hell else you want
-Onions/caramelized onions
- bacon bits

It's so delish it's become an easy go to!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Book List

Books, sites, and other things I find useful:

Weight loss/goals tracking journal:
I looked high and low before finally finding the perfect journal: It's small and purse sized, has a two day spread for each day, and doesn't follow any particular restrictions. it comes with stickers, and a weighloss tracking chart grid that is a lot of fun to use!
The Ultimate Pocket Diet Journal  - Alex Lluch.

Keto/weight loss/food or Recipes:


The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science - by Norman Doidge 

Self emotional healing books: 

Tapping into success
The Dark side of the light chasers

Virtual places I like: -- best online storage for the recipes you come across


With recent reading I've learned:

- Your brain is very much malleable and can be reshaped/trained to work in new ways
- Sugar and glucose have the same effect on your brain and body as cocaine and alcohol, you can very easily be addicted to sugar. 
-Ever food/beverage producer in the world knows this, and so makes their products as addictive as possible
- The health pyramid is a fraud: and they care dick all for your health.. it's just your dollars they want. Basically, nearly everything they say is a lie. Instead of taglines like "How to eat healthy"... they should reaveal their plans to be: "How to stay addicted to foods and develop diabetes". If you're here.. you might already know.. grains of any type convert to sugar/glucose/make you addicted/fuck up your system. Avoid them. If you want change in your life. 

So... With this in mind.. forward onto owning my body... and kicking all the ill-meaning corporations out of it. 

I have joined a group on Facebook .. Keto for weight-loss. I am seeing remarkable results from these people in very short time periods! So... to battle my friends!