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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lamb and broccolie

From Kylie's Quick Keto Kitchen:
Quick rating: 2.5/5 - 

What's in it:
- thin sliced lamb shoulder from an Asian grocery - defrosted 1 min
- garlic scapes (I admit I'm finding mixed info as to the carbs in these, likely too yummy to be low carb , I'll likely omit in future, swap for asparagus? ) ditto - rinse and then use paring knife to cut into small 1 inch or less lengths ( I just cut into the same bowl I'll later be eating out of)
- 1/2 a head of fresh broccoli - rinse under water, and tear into small bits with hands/paring knife.
No need to bother with cutting board ect.
- 2 tbsp. coconut aminos
- butter
- Pink him. salt + pepper
-1 tbsp. pre frozen/ chopped onions
- 2 whole garlic cloves
- smoked paprika to taste
- cayenne pepper to taste
- 1/4 - 1/2 cup water

- melt butter with aminoes, and all spices, onion, in pan, medium heat.
-once melted, add meat, stir occasionally till brown, approx. 2-3 minutes. This is super thin, it cooks up fast.
- reduce heat
-Add water
-add veggies, stir to coat, cover, let steam 2 mins or so. stir, turn off heat once veggies are bright vivid green, cover and let sit 1-2 minutes.
- Enjoy. It was one of the most delicious things I've made in months!! Make lots!

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