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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Book List

Books, sites, and other things I find useful:

Weight loss/goals tracking journal:
I looked high and low before finally finding the perfect journal: It's small and purse sized, has a two day spread for each day, and doesn't follow any particular restrictions. it comes with stickers, and a weighloss tracking chart grid that is a lot of fun to use!
The Ultimate Pocket Diet Journal  - Alex Lluch.

Keto/weight loss/food or Recipes:


The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science - by Norman Doidge 

Self emotional healing books: 

Tapping into success
The Dark side of the light chasers

Virtual places I like: -- best online storage for the recipes you come across


With recent reading I've learned:

- Your brain is very much malleable and can be reshaped/trained to work in new ways
- Sugar and glucose have the same effect on your brain and body as cocaine and alcohol, you can very easily be addicted to sugar. 
-Ever food/beverage producer in the world knows this, and so makes their products as addictive as possible
- The health pyramid is a fraud: and they care dick all for your health.. it's just your dollars they want. Basically, nearly everything they say is a lie. Instead of taglines like "How to eat healthy"... they should reaveal their plans to be: "How to stay addicted to foods and develop diabetes". If you're here.. you might already know.. grains of any type convert to sugar/glucose/make you addicted/fuck up your system. Avoid them. If you want change in your life. 

So... With this in mind.. forward onto owning my body... and kicking all the ill-meaning corporations out of it. 

I have joined a group on Facebook .. Keto for weight-loss. I am seeing remarkable results from these people in very short time periods! So... to battle my friends!